M24 mountainboard owners that ride their boards hard… something you may want to have a look at
Whilst I’m at, I might as well go all in… repurposing a 12s3p 21700 50e pack to add to the M24 10s6p 21700 50e pack.
Going to make a 12s7p pack for this now DIY build.
What started as a humble M24, will end up something completely different 🤙
The 2 x spintend VESCs arrived, technically I’m not supposed to call them VESCS, as Frank from trampa will loose his shit, so the VESC based ESC’s have arrived, can’t wait to start wiring things in and boot up the software programming tool to get all wheels spinning on my M24 mod build…
I’m still waiting to be able to get my hands on the new deck, this will be another slow update build whilst I wait for supplies but damn I’m excited to see how this ends up!
Oh and yes, that’s a horn I’ll be installing too 🤣
—-Dave Doin DaveThings