Ecomobl Electric mountain board Reviews - Ecomobl Electric Skateboards USA

Ecomobl Electric mountain board Reviews - Ecomobl Electric Skateboards USA

Had a generic electric skateboard prior to this and one of the hub motors started making some weird noise and didn’t feel safe riding it.

Started looking for another one and this time I did more research and spend more money, so got the Ecomobl Mountain Board Telum BA 2-IN-1 4WD .

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The Ecomobl Telum BA 2-IN-1 4WD is an awesome board. It has a lot of power but if you’re not as advanced, I am not either, you choose different from one of the 3 driving modes or customize a mode where you can choose the power, acceleration and breaking to your liking.

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I have one custom driving mode to use all the power but with slow acceleration and breaking, this way I can go off road, up hill as I’m using all the power, so the board can handle it but with very smooth acceleration and breaking. So, still very comfortable level to ride.

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Overall, this board seems to be very well built. I have the all terrain tires, which I love, but am thinking to maybe get street tires also.

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The remote is very high quality, with color lcd screen and it has quite a few things you can do with it. Thw two buttons on the remote for acceleration and breaking is something that it takes a bit of time to get used to if you’ve used something else before but it’s not bad. It just looks much more premium than most remotes out there.

Overall I,’m loving this Mountain Board.