Electric Longboard Skateboards: Can You Ride Them in the Rain? - Ecomobl Electric Skateboards USA

Electric longboard skateboards provide an exciting and efficient way to get around, but riders are often left wondering if they can still ride their electric longboard skateboards when it’s raining. It’s essential to understand the impact of moisture on the performance of your board and take appropriate safety precautions when operating in wet conditions.
ECOMOBL electric longboard, best electric skateboard
In this blog, we will explore whether electric longboard skateboards work in the rain and what steps you can take to protect yourself and your board while enjoying a smooth ride. By following these guidelines, you can ensure optimal performance and safety for every electric longboard skateboard ride, no matter the weather.

Safety Precautions for Riding Electric Longboard Skateboards in the Rain

ECOMOBL off-road electric skateboard

While electric longboard skateboards offer a fun ride, wet conditions pose unique safety risks that require extra precautions. Here are some tips to stay safe when cruising on your electric longboard in the rain:

Wear protective gear. At a minimum, wear a helmet and knee/elbow pads. The wet surface makes you more prone to slips and falls that gear can help mitigate. Water-resistant protective gear is best.

Inspect your board. Check that all screws and bolts are tight to minimize vibration, and test motors and electronics to ensure everything is functioning properly. Water-resistant decks fare better in wet conditions.

Reduce your speed. Travel at slower speeds to allow for more response time and distance to stop. Proceed with caution, especially when visibility is low.

Avoid puddles and flooded areas. Standing water can reduce traction and damage electronic components. Take alternate routes if possible.

Use lower power settings. Applying full throttle on a wet surface is risky; instead, opt for gentler acceleration. Switching to slower-speed modes helps maintain control.

Practice emergency-stopping techniques. Test braking, sliding, and foot braking maneuvers at low speeds to build confidence in your ability to stop quickly if needed.

Remain extra alert. Wet surfaces, reduced visibility, and changing road conditions require a heightened focus on the path ahead. Avoid distractions like devices and earphones.

Make lights highly visible. Invest in water-resistant front and rear lights that can be seen clearly through spray and rain.

Once wet, get off the board. Do not continue to ride once your electric longboard becomes soaked, as this increases the chances of component damage and loss of control.

By taking the necessary precautions – from protective gear and reduced speed to practicing emergency maneuvers and vigilantly monitoring road and visibility conditions – riders of electric longboard skateboards can minimize the risks and optimally react to hazards that arise while cruising in the rain.

Impact of Rainy Weather on Electric Longboard Skateboard Performance

While electric longboard skateboards are designed for use outdoors, exposure to rain and wet conditions can still impact their performance and potentially damage components. Here’s how moisture affects electric longboard function:

Traction is reduced due to water on the wheels and deck. This diminishes braking ability and makes turning and carving more difficult. Traction will not fully return until surfaces are dry again.

Motor responsiveness suffers as water seeps into axle housings and motor casing. The electric longboard may feel sluggish and have delayed acceleration or deceleration.

Electronics like the remote, battery, and circuit board can malfunction if water penetrates enclosures. This may lead to erratic performance, unresponsive controls, or permanent damage.

After riding in the rain, follow these steps to minimize moisture-related problems:

  1. Remove the battery pack and place it in a warm, dry location overnight. This allows internal components to dry out fully.
  2. Wipe down the entire board, especially the deck, wheels, and axle housings using a damp cloth. Dry thoroughly.
  3. Allow all electronics to dry for 48 hours before recharging the battery or operating the remote. Moisture trapped inside during charging can cause issues.
  4. Inspect connectors for signs of corrosion and clean them using electrical contact cleaner spray. Reconnect everything securely.
  5. Test all functions – acceleration, braking, steering – in a safe area to confirm performance has returned to normal.
  6. consider fully disassembling the trucks and wheels to dry out bearings and internals for severe or prolonged exposure.
  7. Over time, wet conditions can degrade rubber gaskets and seals. Check for damage and replace as needed.

Alternatives to Riding Electric Longboard Skateboards in the Rain

ECOMOBL All-Terrain Electric Skateboard

While electric longboard skateboards offer an enjoyable and eco-friendly ride, wet weather imposes unique safety and performance risks. If rain, drizzle, or puddles make riding inadvisable, several alternatives are available:

Wait for clearer weather. The simplest option is to just postpone your ride until conditions improve. Many weather apps now provide hourly updates to help you plan around showers.

Use public transit. During inclement weather, consider taking the bus or subway instead of riding your electric longboard. Check schedules and plan your trip in advance.

Grab an umbrella. While not ideal, an umbrella can help shield you and your board from the worst of a light drizzle. Proceed very slowly and use extreme caution in traffic.

Call rideshare. Services like Uber and Lyft provide a dry option to reach your destination, especially for longer trips. Many apps offer affordable pooled rides to make this a cost-effective alternative.

Carry a protective case. Water-resistant or hard cases for your electric longboard allow for storage in the trunk or rear seat of a car, taxi, or rideshare vehicle during rainy portions of your journey.

Store at your destination. If traveling from dry to wet areas, ask if your destination – a friend’s home, workplace, or school – has a protected location to temporarily stash your board until the rain passes. A garage or covered porch works well.


While an electric longboard skateboard can technically operate in rainy conditions, taking proper precautions and alternative transit choices when necessary ensures safer rides with less risk of breakdowns or accidents. With patience and the right strategies, wet weather need not stop you from joyfully gliding atop your board once again.

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Post time: 06-27-2023